CrossPoint Alliance Church

Director/Pastor of Worship and Programming

Lewiston, ID | Full-Time

CrossPoint Alliance Church is looking for a new Director/Pastor of Worship and Programming.

We are seeking out a full-time worship leader to be a key player on our ministry team in the area of music and Sunday gatherings. The primary responsibility of this position will be to lead our congregation in creative and diverse expressions of worship, to help our body encounter the presence of God, and to develop future worship leaders that can lead in various environments in our church and beyond.

This position will employ the use of music, lighting, language and visual art, corporate and private prayer, observances of the sacraments, draw from the richness of the historical church and its worship practices, and lead us in interactive/experiential moments. This person will accomplish this while modeling, developing and equipping teams of volunteer musicians, volunteer technical teams including livestream and online environments, volunteer projection/lighting and video teams.

Learn more about the position here.

How to Apply

Email resume and links to samples of you leading worship to


CrossPoint Alliance Church


ACF Church